GSoC Week 9

by on under jekyll
1 minute read

This week, I continued work on improving mrv_leadterm, and opened a PR - sympy/sympy#21837 for it.

There wasn’t too much work done this week as I was moving back to my college, and that took up 2-3 days.

I deprecated the use of calculate_series, and a new block which first tries leadterm, and then series with n=1 was added. The complete removal of any call to series is not possible, as leadterm does raise errors, which cannot be trivially handled.

This change also involved the need of better handling of logx in log._eval_as_leading_term. This part is giving the most issues, and is also the reason for the current test failures of the PR.

Apart from this, the function compute_leading_term also does not seem to be required. The original purpose of it is not clear, and as_leading_term seems to suffice as an alternative, so this will also be deprecated.

Next week would be the last week, so I will firstly focus on getting the current PR merged, and then looking to some more speed improvements to as_leading_term.

gsoc, SymPy