GSoC Week 8

by on under jekyll
1 minute read

At the start of this week, a regression was found, so that was the priority.

Note that while the result was indeed a regression, it wasn’t directly due to changes in my previous PRs, but rather an existing bug was revealed due to a change in code path, due to my previous PRs. The issue is sympy/sympy#21785.

The fix was relatively straightforward, the comparison using < operator had to be changed to the sympy assumptions system, so is_negative had to be used.

After this, I have started working on improvements to mrv_leadterm, mainly the removal of calculate_series function. Currently that function is quite fragile, and it is not used in many places. I am exploring the possibility of removing it with a call to leadterm.

Next week would mainly be focused on debugging and trying out more about removing calculate_series, and other improvements to gruntz.

gsoc, SymPy